Quote(s) of the Week

"It doesn't matter if you're rural. It doesn't matter if you're from Fargo or Beulah, N.D.," said Joy Rice, a black Fargo resident and a member of the city's human relations commission. "You still need to respect people of color, in all aspects of life. This is a form of racism, and it's really taking a step back."

in response to blackface incident at North Dakota State last weekend.

“There is a gradual growing awareness that challenging your brain can have positive effects," Dr. Cohen said. He said the plasticity of the brain is directly related to the production of new dendrites, the branched, tree-like neural projections that carry electrical signals through the brain “Every time you challenge your brain it will actually modify the brain,” he said. “We can indeed form new brain cells, despite a century of being told it’s impossible.”

from "Exercise Your Brain, or Else You'll...Uh..." in NYTimes

Monday, March 31, 2008

#2 - Coach K (I Hate You!)

10 things I hate about you

I hate the way the team takes 3s without a single care, and the way we would have dominated the paint if Patrick Patterson were there. I hate the way you covertly rib Roy; come on, Coach, give him a break. (The Dean Dome's sea of ugly blue causes dizzy spells; how much more can one man take.) I hate that you're not as good a dancer as basketball instructor "Coach J". I especially hate the last few years of only letting 7 devils play. I hate your four-letter swearing caught on tv, on this I cannot lie. I hate that Shavlik, Boateng, and deep threat Taylor left, you probably made them cry. I hate the 3 National Titles and the 14 trips to the Final Four. Coach, I don't mean to be greedy, but...you need to give us more. I respect all that you've done, K, but it's a new day and time. I hate our lack of superior athleticism so much it even makes me rhyme. I hate it when you're not around in April, you should know that best. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you, not even close to my hatred for Carolina's success.

1 comment:

Marshall Benbow said...

Coach J is my favorite. "Taste it, work it, nasty."
Yeah, the 7-man rotation and the 3's have been killing you all. Not that I mind.